September 30, 2008

House Hunting Time

Not only is expecting a baby one of the most exciting times in our life, but buying our first house is right up there with it. Yesterday we were pre- approved to buy a house and we are so excited!!!! We have been looking on line for house , but now we actually get to go see them in person. We have a realtor who we will be meeting with this week to look at about 15 houses that we like in the Ramsey County area. Our lease for our apartment is up in December and we would like to be in our own place by Christmas this year. I can't wait to get the nusery ready for the baby!!!!! I haven't bought anything for the baby yet because we just don't have the room for anything elce. I'm sure as soon as I know when we are moving I'll have a little baby shopping spree. Yeah for us !!!!!

September 18, 2008

80% sure it's a Boy !!!!!

OK , so yesterday I told my mom what the technician told us about the baby because I had to tell someone . Today I called her in the hospital and told her not to tell anyone and she said "too late"ha ha. She said that she was too excited , and just like me couldn't keep it to self. Bless her heart ...shes in a full body cast calling people and telling them , I just love her !. By the way she is recovering well. She has a 7 inch incision on her belly and can't move very well though. Other than that she is in good hands at the Wood Winds Hospital in Woodbury. That hospital is the nicest hospital I have ever been in . They have a baby grand piano playing in the lobby,a fire place lit and it doesn't smell like a hospital. It was a good experience for me and I was only there for an hour lol.
Thank you to evryone who said prayers for my mother too. It was and is much appreciated!!!

So all in all if the 80% does prevail and it is for sure a boy then we have a great name picked out ... Dougie #2 (just kidding ).. Although Dougie was our" first son "we wouldn't do that to our little one . I kid kid ....

September 17, 2008

Baby Nelson at 16 weeks

Today we had another ultrasound and the baby had another photo session as you can see. I have to go to the doctor every 2 weeks until 24 weeks .From 12-24 weeks I go every two weeks, and from 24 to 35 weeks it's every week .At 35 weeks to 40 weeks I'm not actually sure yet ????. That's almost 15 visits to the doctors!!!!WOW! Its OK with me as long as they don't want to take my blood (then we might have problems lol).The reason I have so many ultrasounds is because I had Leap operation when I was 19 yrs old. A Leap operation is designed to remove cancer cells that one has on their cervix. At the time of the surgery they actually have to remove a part of my cervix to get rid of all of the potential cancer cells. They do these ultrasounds to determine how long my cervix is . If my cervix begins to shorten then I will have to have a spinal block and a cervical cerclage (a stitch). This stitch will have to stay in until the baby is born . GOD had blessed me with an adequate cervical length so far, and I pray it stays that way............Cause I really dislike needles.

We also think that we know the sex of the baby (80% sure). The tech told us today cause she got a good shot of the little one (not shy by the way). She told us not to go out and buy all _____ stuff cause she wants to be 100% sure. Stay tuned and we should know in 2 weeks !!! I can barley contain myself!!!!

September 14, 2008

Go Vikings!!!

Today, Drew and I went to our first Vikings game together.Yeah!!! We had lots of fun cheering the Vikings on with the rest of the 30,000 fans. We have the Vikings on our Fantasy Football League for our defence . They earned us 10pts today so that was fun to watch and cheer for the defence. The weather wasn't very cooperative when we were leaving ,but we managed to run back to the car (which felt like miles away) in the rain . We left a bit early to avoid all the traffic and made it home just in time to see The Purple People Eaters loose to the Colts . Bummer!!

September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

Look how tiny you are, how come I didn't get your genes???


Happy 40 something birthday to you!!!!! I won't reveal your true age to the world because I'm too good of a daughter . Your children love you and we hope you have a wonderful weekend away !!! Have fun mom!!!

Ps...Mom, I had to post these pictures of you because I think they're great !!!!!
Just enjoy!

September 4, 2008

Goodbye 1st Trimester Hello 2nd

I'm officially out of my first trimester and looking forward to my second. I still feel sick throughout the day , but its getting better and better everyday. I'm excited to start seeing a baby bump soon because it will feel even more real to Drew and I . We have already been looking through baby name books . Drew is very opinionated when it comes to names and so am I . I can tell you one thing for sure ,whatever name this baby gets will be well thought out . This is a very exciting time for us and I'm glad that we have this blog spot to share !!!!
I'm still trying to get a hang of this blogging business so bare with me .xoxoxoxo

September 3, 2008

Look at our sweet 14 week old baby !!!!

Today was an amazing day for Drew and I because we had pleasure of meeting our baby. It was the first time that the baby looked like a baby and not just a dark sac. The technician kept refering to the baby as "she", Drew and I picked up on that right away. We won't know for a few more weeks the gender of the baby, but we like to dream. Drew and I each have our own hypothesis about that though!!!!!