October 20, 2010

A bigger Dewie


Kanagroo Kiddo

Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas. As a little girl I loved to play pretend and what better holiday can you dress up and act like a kid again. Halloween doesn't discriminate against age. On the 29th I'll be at a Halloween themed wedding reception taking pictures and then Drew and I are going to a Halloween party.Then on the 30th we celebrate Halloween by carving pumpkins and going trick or treating!!!
Here is Ethan's costume! A kangaroo! He jumps EVERYWHERE all day long so what better costume for a hopper. I want to send out Halloween cards again this year but Drew doesn't like these pictures enough and isn't satisfied ....what a perfectionist and slight weirdo :P

The only way to keep him still was to put him on the slide so I'm not sure how Drew wants so keep him still standing up? It will be a fun challenge that's for sure.



Lukey and Gloria's Birthday Party.

Lukey is 3!
Gloria Jane is 9!

We gave him the Little People Car wash!

Ethan was being pretty crabby but we managed to get a picture with his Great Aunt and Great Grandma.
Ethan and Eloise playing trains.

Seriously so cute :)
Grandpa and sweet Vito :) ( Violet)

Ethan was tuckered out after a long day of partying

Ethan & Axel at the Pumpkin Patch!

Last Sunday Ethan and I met up with my friend Denise and her family to take some pictures for her. She suggested I bring Ethan along to play with Axel and Zoe. Ethan was a good boy and it was fun to see him interact with friends his own age. Axel is only 3 weeks younger than Ethan. They both were full of love and hugs!

Leap Frog!




Denise made this hat for Ethan. She is seriously so talented when it comes to knitting and making things like this. Axel has a whole wardrobe full of these goodies :)


This was one of the most unique pumpkin patches that I've ever seen. They let you go pick your own pumpkin from the patch . Cut it off the vine and its yours! Ethan and Axel were having a heck of a time walking through the vines, I can't tell you how many times they tripped and how dirty they were.

He had no fear of those cows. He would walk right up to them and try to touch them. A little scary for me though.
Here's the pumpkin Ethan picked out!

Photobucket I love this picture but I have to re size again .

They were hugging so tight that they .....


fell over haha :)
Ethan's hair looks so action packed haha.

October 11, 2010

Just a couple more.

Here are just a couple more of Ethan that I forgot to post in his 19month old post. I wonder when I'll stop posting his monthly birthdays? Maybe at 24 months? Ehh who am I kidding I'll be doing this till he's 40 :)




Uncle Cameron and Ethan.


Auntie Gracie and Ethan.

October 7, 2010

Who's a Big Boy?

Ethan is a BIG BOY!!!!!
19 months old today!

Ethan is getting so big and growing in every way possible. He is learning new words and actions all the time. Although he really doesn't "talk" with a whole lot of words yet he is very expressive in what he needs or wants. He jumps all over the place. Literally jumps from one end of the house to the other. He hates when you try to hold his hand and lead him somewhere...Mr. Independent-wonder where he gets that from -me ? Naw :)


He does "so big" I love that!
He puts his finger up to his lips and says " shhhh" usually his finger ends up in his nose.
He is almost getting too big for 18 month clothes. I cant believe in 5 months my little tiny baby boy will be 2. Wow!
He likes to climb on the chairs in our kitchen and has taken a few spills. We don't let him do this but I feel like its almost impossible to keep him off them or the couch.


He is still very allergic to dairy and has had some really BAD bloody noses in the middle of the night because of them. We have figured out that its not a dry environment causing them its dairy. We read everything we give him to ensure that we don't wake up to a bloody Ethan. Poor little guy.
I tried to scrape all the frosting off of the cupcake but he still got some ..no bloody nose that night thank goodness.


Look at that sweet little face.
He is still very much a lovey and cuddly toddler just like his daddy was!


This is a frequent look that Ethan gives us. Its his excited but why am I doing this look.ha!
These jammies are 18 month in size and we barley could zip them up . They look kind of tight huh?


It looks like he actually is being shy. Our kid shy? Pshhhh.


This picture is kind of blurry but I love his expression so I couldn't delete it.
No one else in the world can rock a double chin and look so dang cute a the same time but Ethan. I just want to smooch on it :)

October 6, 2010

3 Years!

8 years in LOVE.
3 years married.
1 baby monkey.
And still going strong.


I honestly don't know what I would do without Drew. He's always there for me, makes me feel safe and when I'm down he reassures me that everything will be ok. He ALWAYS makes me laugh and is such a good daddy. Not only is he one hot dude ;) but he has a heart of gold. I hate if I have to go a whole day without seeing him.
I love being his wife.
I love you Drew and Ethan.



Yum-kisses ! :D



My shoe had a big heart on the bottom so I wrote:
I (heart) Drew.
I still have them and you can still read the words. I loved those shoes.
I wanna get a bunch of my married girlfriends with their wedding dresses on and take some "mess the dress" pics. Or maybe I just wanna sit on the couch with some popcorn with my dress on :) Either way I just want to wear this dress again.