November 17, 2008

The Bank Accepted Our Offer

On Wednesday of last week Drew , myself and our very patient realtor Kat went and looked at more houses to buy. We found one that we really liked so we put an offer on it that same day. That Friday the bank came back and counter offered our original offer so we countered back( we are pros at this game by now) . Today Kat called Drew and told him that the bank honored everything we asked for and they accepted our offer, which by the way was less than what they originally asked for :-) . Drew called me at work and asked if I was sitting down , he said that the bank just received a higher offer from another buyer so we are out, then he said just kidding we got the house. First I said "your a horrible person, but I love you". Drew's a great joker ...haha, not funny! I don't think that I could of handled another one of those disappointing phone calls. We signed the paper work and our closing date is Dec 9th. Now all we have to do is wait for is the inspector and the loan to process and the house is ours. I have always wanted a wood burning fireplace in my home so I really hope that everything is good with the inspection. This house seems pretty safe and sound. Can you believe this is the 3rd house that we have put an offer on ??? People say its a good time to buy a house, what they didn't tell you is that everyone wants your house ( Uggh!)

3 bedrooms all on the same level
2 baths
formal dining room
living room
family room w/wood burning fireplace
hardwood floors

God has truly blessed us this year and we are so grateful for all of his wonderful gifts.

November 15, 2008

My big brother is a Pug.

I ordered this outfit off a website and just got it today! I can't wait for the baby to meet his big brother and big sister. I'm sure all three will get along just fine. There will be a lot of wet kisses to go around in our house in a few months. I have been baby clothes shopping like crazy lately. Marshalls is the place to be ... I found Calvin Klein, Polo , Carters and DKNY baby clothes ! They are so dang cute I can wait to dress him up.

November 4, 2008

Baby Nelson at 20-23 weks

I'm pretty sure he's waving "hello"

So these are the feet that keep me up at night?

and the fist..........

I'm convinced it looks like he's praying
"Thank you God for creating me "

I might be bias, but I think he's the cutest little fetus ever. I just want to kiss his sweet little nose .

Here are some more pictures of our little boy. He is now 11 inches long and 1 pound thus far. Today we had our fetal survey and everything looks great. The baby has chubby cheeks which means he's healthy according to the tech !!!! I can feel him kick all the time and boy is he getting stronger and stronger everyday . He seems to be on a schedule already . He kicks at 9:00 am, 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm . I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it's a reassuring feeling to me knowing that he is active and moving. Drew has yet to feel him kick. Every time Drew puts his hand on my belly the baby stops kicking and as soon as he takes his hand off the baby kicks again. Drew is convinced that the baby knows that its "daddy's hand" and hes just playing a game with him. I can feel him kick from both inside and out and even see my belly move when he does( it's good to be the mommy!!!, after the first 4 months)

P.S We are still patiently waiting for the people to get back to us about the house. This waiting game is killing us ! We only have so much time to wait, either way this baby is coming whether we have a house or not. We just pray that God will make this decision for us pretty soon.