March 22, 2012


Who is Johnny Bananas at 9 months old ?

Johnny is a very very happy baby, although he can have an attitude sometimes. I think his mini attitude is actually worse than Ethan's was at this age. Johnny grunts and his face turns red when he gets mad..its actually pretty cute if your in the right mood :)

He LOVES his brother and now that he started to stand up while holding on to things he is at the same level as Ethan. I think Ethan likes it too ;)

Trying to stand up for the first time!

Its been so warm in March that Johnny wore Ethan's old Twins jumper. It was close to 80 degrees! Unheard of in MN in March.

Johnny likes to hear himself and he "screams" a lot so Ethan and Daddy joined in :)

Look at all my them so much.
Go Johnny!
That bucket full of giant Lego's is probably one of his favorite toys right now. He likes to dump them all out and smack them together. Ethan doesn't really enjoying sharing the toys with you but hes getting better.
You can say Mama, Dada, Baba, Nana and I think I heard you say Hi but I'm not 100% sure on that one. You can also sign "more" and "eat" . Your such a smart boy.

I love your smile, especially now that you can see your two front teeth! You also have one more tooth coming through at the bottom .


Your hair is getting so long. When you were born you pretty much had no hair and look at it now! I'm bias but my boys have the best baby hair, I just love it! Johnny's hair is starting to curl in the back too. We cut Ethan's hair around 18-19 months but I think I'll let yours get really long and curly and we'll never cut it ;)

Nothing more that warms a parent heart than seeing their children play, bond, and love each other. I hope you both will be like that forever. And if your not you will have to answer to me :) xoxox.
Love you Naners!

March 15, 2012


Sleepy Birthday.


Yes, my child still loves his paci.

3/7/12 a birthday with Mimi.

This is what a 3 year old looks like when you tell him he is going to Chuckie Cheese for his birthday:)




Of course your baby brother was there too!
Sleepy little guy.
You loved to play ski-ball , although you don't know how to throw underhand you did your best over hand throw ...ekkk!

Then off to Benihana we go.. because you can be a stubborn Monkey sometimes Daddy and I let you eat ice cream for lunch :/ Hey its was your birthday.
You got so many presents for your birthday but this one was extra special. Because your pretty much OBSESSED with trains and especially The Polar Express we got you this neat train set. You have played with it everyday since you received it:)
And because Daddy is obsessed with collecting these Cars he got a bunch for you too.
Then it was birthday cake time with the family :) Johnny joined in the festivities as well. I'm pretty sure you were trying to protect your cake with your life because Johnny had his eye on it:)
Gosh, you and Johnny are so beautiful it makes me want to cry sometimes when I stare at you both .
Johnny accidentally got a taste:)


Happy Birthday to my handsome Monkey Moo!

We all love you Ethan.



I have to say that I'm so proud of this cake. I've always taken an interest in baking because my mom has always been involved with me in that area. I've always thought that fondant work looked so beautiful so I wanted to try and and this is what I came up with on my first try. With a little elbow grease and some you tube tutorials you can do anything :) Ethan said "good job Mommy" which is all the thanks I need..he also threw somr Ka-Chows in there too :)

March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Ethan

Happy Birthday to our sweet, funny, lovable, crazy, gentle, loud, wonderful big brother, smart, kind and joyful son. It feels like just yesterday that Daddy and I were so excited to welcome our first baby boy to this world. We are so proud of you Ethan and couldn't imagine our life with out you.

Here are a few things you do and say at age 3!

You love the dogs and call them Wubbies and Dewie but mostly just Wubbies to to the both of them and say P.U when you see them because Mommy and Daddy do :) Those dogs stink! You love your blankie and have an edge that you search for when your trying to sleep or relax. its getting pretty frayed at the edge now :) You still have your paci and I honestly don't know how you will live without it but you will have to soon. You still like to poop your, seriously I'm pretty sure you enjoy it because you run away when we try and change you like you want to just sit in it ..sick Ethan:/ When you are naughty you ask for hugs because you think that's the cure to keep you out of trouble ..but its also pretty cute:) You love to give kisses and are so sweet and affectionate.
I don't think you have called Daddy by his proper name " Daddy" for months now , its only Drew and when I'm home too you call us both MommiesDrew one word , yes I wrote that right. There is also Johnnies, Grandmas, Popies and everything else has a "s" on the end except Bwyan( Brian) and Christonce ( Christina). You love to play hide and go seek and always say " Go count?" Then you run away and count while Daddy and I hide. I love how you answer questions that you don't really understand with an" ok" Example "Ethan, are you going to be an engineer?" "ok" :)

Daddy dubbed you the name "Eat- none" instead of "Ethan" because you don't really like to eat but you could drink liquid all day. You love to play outside on your bike and in the sand box. Your second favorite game to play besides hide and go seek is " I cha cho" which means I got you..I'm not sure if I blogged about that before but hey I'll mention it again. You like to play "I cha choo" and have us chase you around. Daddy pretends hes a zombie which is kinda creepy but you like it:)
Your favorite movies at the time are Up, Mega Mind, Curious George and the always loved Polar Express.
You love your daddy:) Do you know how many times I hear that you look just like each other;) Your going to be so handsome as a young man Ethan. Your a cutie now but just know your not allowed to date till your at least 21 :) Serious, I don't think I could handle it.
Here is one of birthday gifts we got you!
I made this cake for you for your birthday . I'm so glad you liked it . You said "good job mommy!"
I love how to you tell me and daddy " Good luck" before we try and give Johnny a nap and when we go change him ..your so funny. You LOVE to dance! Last night before bath time you asked us to "dance?" so we all had a mini dance party in our living room:) Then when it was time to get into the bath you ran out into the living room naked and started your own seriously make Daddy and I laugh.

Well Monkey, another year has past and we look forward to another with you.

Love you !


March 6, 2012

Happy birthday D.

We came to visit on your birthday :)

Miss you.






