October 30, 2009

Going Granola

Arn't they cute? They look so soft!

Just a quick post to ask the mama's if they cloth diaper and what kind they use. I have been doing lots of research on this topic and have come up with a few ideas of my own. Not only do I want to start being more "green " but Ethan has a continual rash on his bum and lower back from the diapers. Cloth diapers have become more convenient and easy to use now a days so I'm thinking this will be a good thing. They are just like a regular disposable diaper but don't have chemicals and obviously can be reused. They are so darn cute too, but spendy . I read a statistic that you save 4,000.00 dollars a year on 2 kids with cloth diapers verses disposable ones. I just need to find a brand that works because there are so many kinds out there..velcro, snap, fitted, pinned etc... I think I like these: http://shop.thegoodmama.com/. Any-who I'm open for advise!

October 29, 2009

wreath appetizer

This is an appetizer that I make every Christmas and sometimes in between when Drew asks me to make it. This is one of Drew's favorite things I make so I'm glad to make it for him . He's kind of a picky eater so its nice to hear he really likes something I make. This is actually a pretty easy thing to make and tastes delicious.

You will need
2 cans of crescent original rolls
1bag of carrots and broccoli
1 8oz can of pineapple tidbits
1 red pepper
1 orange or yellow pepper
1 8 oz tub of onion and chive cream cheese
1 8oz package of regular cream cheese
1 package of julienned or diced ham
1 round pizza pan
1 bowl with a lid
Dice both peppers. Depending on the size of the peppers you might not need to use the whole thing.

I usually use about 3 hand fulls of broccoli and 3/4 the bag of carrots. I don't have an exact amount of ingredients in this recipe because I kind of made it up as I went. It really just depends on how much of the veggies and ham you like on your wreath.

If you buy julienned ham chop it up a bit to make the pieces smaller.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together. I usually put the toppings in a bowl with a lid so I can shake it up.

Next drain the pineapples well and set aside. Now take the whole package of regular cream cheese and 3/4 the tub of the onion and chive cream cheese and mix together. Then add the pineapple and mix well. I try to squash the pineapple while I'm mixing so the pineapple gets broken up throughout the cream cheese spread.

(ok so I forgot to upload a picture here.. oops)
Open up the crescent rolls and cut in half...then cut in half again .

Then cut those 8 into 16.

Then 16 into 32.

Then place in two circular patterns . It depends on the size of your pizza pan but I have 13 in the center and 19 on the outside.
Bake at 350 for 12-15 min or until the rolls are slightly browned.

Frost your wreath with the cream cheese. You might not use all the cream cheese, it really is a preference on how much you use. I usually use most of it because it really is the glue between the rolls and the topping.

Last scoop on your topping ! Just like the cream cheese this is a preference on how much you use. I usually have some left over .
I don't have it pictured here but I always put a candle in the middle of the wreath, it makes it much prettier. Also please don't pay attention to my ugly pizza pan I usually put it on a beautiful crystal plate but I had limited time :) Who knew kids were so impatient at times.??

October 28, 2009

The Man In The Yellow Hat

I have never done a Halloween card so I thought I would start this year. Our theme was Curious George! Drew was The Man In The Yellow Hat and Ethan was George. Since Ethan is our little monkey we thought there could be no better costume for him. Drew is such a good sport, he was a bit iffy about people seeing this but I insisted that it was Ok :)hahahah.... Plus I spent so much time creating this.
Oh and by the way I did have the post above my picture but Drew walked by and saw what I was doing and pressed delete on my picture. He's a stinker sometimes.

October 27, 2009

Ode to myself

Ok so I know this is cheesy, but it's "my" blog so I'm allowed to be cheesy every now and then . Today is my 26th birthday and I know I'm still young, but my age is starting to scare me. You know when your little and your grandma asks you"so , you feel any older?" and your response is always "no" well this time around my response would be "YES!" It's true, I feel older this year ....time seriously does fly by.
My day was filled with "Happy Birthday's" from family and friends and it was SO nice to hear that throughout the day . It truly made my day!!! I got beautiful cards, gifts...
roses from my son. I think it's so cute when little boys give roses to their mommies. We all went out to dinner and back home to relax and watch a movie.
Today was a good day.

October 25, 2009


Grace is my almost three year old sister, yes Ethan has a three year old Auntie :). She came over this weekend wearing her tutu and some fancy new red shoes and wanted to play photographer, or maybe it was me? Either way we had fun !

October 22, 2009

Waldoch Farm

Last Sunday we went to a pumpkin patch with Ethan for the first time. We had all been pretty sick earlier that week so our time frame for coming here was limited. It was a good thing we waited until this particvular Sunday because it was absolutely gorgeous outside, 60 degrees and sunny! By the time we made it here they had already picked their pumpkins and had them in different sections in the barn. Even though we didn't get to go on a hayride or "pick" our pumpkin we had a good time. Ethan wasn't interested in smiling in any of the pictures because he was in awe of all the orange color and the pumpkins themself. I think we got some pretty good shots though.

October 19, 2009

Little one

Mommy + Monkey=Love

I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun, You're part of me my little one. As mother with child, each day I grew, My mind was filled with thoughts of you. I'd daydream of the things we'd share, Like late-night bottles and teddy bears. Like first steps and skinned knees, Like bedtime stories and ABC's. I thought of things you'd want to know , Like how birds fly and flowers grow. I thought of lessons I'd need to share , Like standing tall and playing fair. When I first saw your precious face , I prayed your life be touched with grace. I thanked the angels from above, And promised you my unending love. Each night I lay you down to sleep , I gently kiss your head and your cheek. I count your little fingers and your little toes; I memorize your eyes and your nose. I linger at your nursery door, Awed each day I love you more. Through misty eyes I dim the light, I whisper "I Love You" every night. I loved you from the very start, You stole my breath , embraced my heart. As mother and child our journey's begun, My heart's yours forever little one.

October 18, 2009

Pulled Pork Yumminess!

I thought it would be fun to document some of the dinners I make ...........

I came across this little piece of paper in my junk drawer and it had the recipe to pulled pork sandwiches. The last time I made this meal it was for Ethan's baptism. I knew that if I didn't put that recipe in a safe place I would loose it forever. I do have a recipe book, but it's so much more fun to write it down this way. 5lbs of pork butt or pork shoulder/bone in. Fat side up
In a bowl mix 1/2 cup of dijon mustard. You actually don't even taste the flavor of the mustard
it's just there to make a nice bark on the top of the pork.

1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar.

2 tablespoons of coarsely ground pepper.

2 teaspoons of smoked paprika.
The color of this spice is so beautiful and the smell is very fragrant.

2 teaspoons of garlic salt.

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.

Pour mixture over roast and let marinate in the fridge for 4-24 hours.
After you marinade it take it out and let it sit until room temperature. That usually takes about 30 minutes or so. Next, put your butt (* hehe :)*...how old am I? .... ) on a roasting pan so that the meat will be separated from the fat drippings. Also add about a cup of water to the bottom of the roasting pan for moisture. Lastly, put the roast in the oven at 300 degrees for about 5 hours and baste every hour with apple juice. When your meat is falling off the bone ...voila, your done!

*Let meat stand for at least an hour before shredding*

The end result! I shredded half and left the other half whole for you to see.


I forgot to add an important step!!!!!!
Make sure you sneak a piece before anyone sees you :)
You know, just to make sure it's good enough for everyone to eat. I like to put a touch of horseradish sauce and BBQ on my bun....
gives it just a little zing.