March 23, 2011

26 weeks

I should probably do a post with a baby #2 update . Well, as you can tell by the blog post title I'm 26 weeks so far .This pregnancy is a bit different from Ethan's in the sense that I still don't feel 100% yet. With Ethan the icky feeling only lasted until about 18 weeks. 2 weeks ago I went in to do the ever so lovely glucose test and failed by 3 little points, just like with Ethan and now Friday I have to do the 3 hour test . THAT TEST IS HORRIBLE!!! Last time I passed out on the last stick because my sugar level was 52! With technology these days there should be a better was of doing this dumb test. I would really like to tell the doctors where they can stick this test..hehe, but I have to do it for the well being of my baby. I do pray that the results are the same with this one as they were with E. Negative! Drew is coming with me so I can keep sane and have some company, I love him :)More great news..I'm anemic! Yay:( No wonder why I can barley breathe and I' so sleepy, I have no RBC's left. Normal levels are 13 and mine were about 10. I have to take iron supplements now and I try and eat iron rich foods which seem to help a bit. No wonder why I'm always so tired. Working all day and then being a mommy and wife after work wares me out. I've started doing some photography on the side again too, but I limit myself to what I can handle with that .
This little guy is pretty active which makes me happy. The only exciting part of pregnancy for me is feeling life inside my body move. I'm still on my treadmill and drinking TONS of water to keep my weight at a minimum as well. I haven't had any swelling yet ( knock on wood) but my calf's feel like tree trunks sometimes. We schedule our C-section in a couple weeks which makes me excited because that means that the time is almost here for the baby to be in his room and not in my belly! We have decided to paint the nursery this weekend and get the room in order. We bought the crib from Babies R Us last week and I'm just anxious to get the room done. The colors are black, cream, gray and yellow. I bought all the bedding from Etsy. I love Etsy they have all handmade things and I designed most of it. All organic and oh so soft. I can't wait to see how big brother Ethan reacts to the whole thing. That's what I'm most excited about I think also seeing what he looks like and telling everyone his name.

PS..I'll post a picture of his room as soon as its done.

March 22, 2011

Birthday Dinner with Mimi, Cameron and Grace

Love you Mimi !









More Birthday Pictures!

Ethan LOVES trains so what better way to honor his birthday with something he loves:)



We splurged and bought Ethan a fun Thomas The Train cake. Grandma's Bakery always makes the best cakes. Although, this time all of our lips and fingers were blue!
I put the rock candy in his pipe to make it look like little touch to the cake :)
He loved being sang to . Drew and I enjoyed seeing his sweet little face light up too.



Auntie Amy sent me this link for this shirt from Gymboree. It says "This little Monkey is two!"How perfect! Thanks Amy:)
Checkin' out his loot!
Daddy and I bought Ethan a bunch of Choo Choo books for his birthday. He also got some from Bill and Amy which is his favorite as well as a train whistle which he LOVES!
Cousin Lukey wore his Monkey shirt in honor of the birthday boy. Isaiah did too, but I didn't get a picture of him..bummer :(

(Drews Parents)
Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids. Look at Lukey with his arm around his little brother stinkin' cute!




Man, I'm not the cutest pregnant chick , but I sure do make a cute baby/babies :)
BTW, Drew is growing his beard out until baby boy Nelson is here. He hasn't touched it since October when we found out we were expecting. I like it ;)

March 7, 2011

Look whos 2!!!

I just wanted to put a picture up here of Ethan at dinner tonight. Mimi gave this train conductor hat to Ethan tonight and I just LOVE it:) does E.
