June 23, 2011

He's Here!

Johnny Andrew Nelson


"Johnny Bananas"


8lbs 9oz

21 inches

at 10:50am

We are in love all over again.






Our new family of four.

June 18, 2011

Fathers Day Pie

I made a Lemon Meringue Pie for Father's Day ..especially for my Father-in-law, which I hear is one of his favorites:) I attempted this once before and failed so I tried again and I must say it looks as though I may have succeeded this time.

Drew's Father's Day gift is playing in the sandbox and the other gift is in my tummy:)

Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's out there!










June 7, 2011

MY new chair

I say this is MY new chair because I bought it for those late night feedings and since last time I checked Drew can't breastfeed so this is mine o' mine. Drew says its too big but I say phooey, I like it. Its super comfy and I cant wait to make my imprint on it :)It is a recliner and a rocker..score!

All Done!

We've waited 13 weeks for our bumper and crib skirt. I hand picked this fabric just for baby boy Nelson:) This was made by a very talented lady on Etsy. Like I have said numerous times I love, love, love Etsy, just about as much as I love Target:) The crib sheet was also hand made by a lady in Israel, all organic and very soft. The bedding is the only thing that we splurged on for the baby . Everything else I either made, reupholstered or got for a great deal! I'm so happy how the room turned out. I have to add some pictures because I forgot that I took pictures with my phone and posted them on Facebook and not with my camera. So I only have the crib and new bedding to post.

Only 14 more days till his name is reveled!!!!!! Ethan tries to say his name and it sounds so sweet to my ears:)




If you seen my previous post on the baby's nursery you'll see I tried to match the dresser fabric with the crib sheet and the blanket that is draped over the glider. The crib sheet is hounds tooth, the dresser is diamonds and the blanket is muscle cars. I like the contrast. I really wasn't going for a theme for his room I just wanted these colors.






I bought this awesome swing for $50.00 at the consignment place that happens 4 times a year called Just Between Friends. They have new or slightly used things for infants . I got a lot of cool stuff. Nothing is better than finding what you need or want for a fraction of the price. I'm a sucker for a good deal!


When we decided to have another baby the first question that came to mind was how old will Ethan be when the baby is born...27 months old was that answer! Now hes 27 months old and "ready" to be a big brother. I can't believe E is 27 months old though. He has learned so much over the last month. We are so proud of him. Although very proud and loving, Drew and I really have to pray a lot because Ethan can really test us when it comes to his tantrums. The terrible two's are in full effect at the Nelson house and pretty much at anyone else's house as well :) Please pray for us in the next month that we can figure this whole new journey out and make sure Ethan doesn't feel left out or less loved.

This past week Daddy gave Ethan his first buzz cut. It makes him look so grown up and so so cute! We just love it and I think E does too. He was a little frightened of the clippers at first but nothing that a little icy couldn't cure:)

And yes that black blurr is my belly ,its kind of hard to keep out of the closeups these days.




Ethan is pretty much obsessed with his blankie and his paci. We have decided to let him keep the paci until he can get used to being a brother first then comes the hijacking of the paci, he can keep his blankie for as long as he would like though :)

A couple things I just want to remind myself of that Ethan says/does at this age

-Bible Book Bop..Owwww ( he loves watching Go Fish). He says this at 5:00am when he jumps in mommy and daddy's bed in the morning.

Bye Doo -translation -Bye Drew. He says this when anyone leaves even if it isn't Drew:)

Bye Bye I love you.

Hey P! Our cat's name is Pippy and we call her P.

Buzz and Woody- He loves them


His favorite cartoon right now is Fan Boy and Chum Chum . He knows the intro song:P


I'm sure there are a bunch more but I have to think harder and anyone that has been pregnant knows that's almost impossible at this stage :)