August 14, 2010

Chalkboard Bucket

I made this bucket this past week for Ethan but I guess I could also use it for a fun photo prop. Its just a wooden bucket that I sanded, primed and painted. The chalkboard paint actually works like a charm. Chalk writes on it nicely and wipes off clean. I thought it would be something he could put his blankies, books or toys in. I guess you can buy these but I've never seen them sell anywhere. I'll have to do some research to see how much they sell for. He really wanting nothing to do with sitting in this bucket though. Maybe because it was 1000 degrees outside or he was too busy . I'll never know but as you can tell from the photos he kept climbing out. My neighbors must think I'm a serious nut...but it's OK cause I am :)


Trying to escape . I remember when he was too small to walk or maneuver and I was so excited for him to start . Now I wish he would just sit still again!

Besides calling him Monkey I also call him my little Buba-Lou! I wonder how long he'll let me call him these silly/sweet names? Drew's nickname was Andy Panda when he was little, then wanted to be called Jack then Drew...sounds about right ,haha!


Our patio is completely unlevel( btw I looked this word up, its a valid word:) as you can see from the "crooked" picture.


Like I said, yesterday was a HOT one outside. It wasn't even real sunny just humid, wet, sticky and about 95 degrees. We went outside for about 30 minutes and when we came in his hair looked like this. I never thought I would have a child with curly hair!!!! My hair is as straight as a board, but like I said before Drew's hair was just like this as a boy. I need to ask Grandma Jane if she has some pictures I can scan of Drew when he was little.


Dougie was a much better model. He only jumped out once:) Pretty sure now my neighbors think I've lost it.


Sitting pretty:)


August 7, 2010

E is 17 months old!

Silly (17mth old) Monkey Ahead!!!!
letter to Ethan soon...


Doing a headstand is a part of your daily routine now. You can almost do a sumersault!
I love anything Monkey (obvioulsy) and so Ethan got this shirt as a baptismal gift as well as a Go Fish CD from Bill and Amy. Thank you, love it!




Monkey & Monkey at the drive in!


This is Ethan's new Thomas The Train, train table
and ...


his Thomas riding train!
Ethan, Mimi spoils you :)


This is what you look like when you wake up from your afternoon nap. I love to snuggle you when you wake up from your nap because your still so cuddly.


You defiantly look like a Nelson when you smile.


Such a goofy little guy.
You do this new thing where you close your eyes and smile, laugh or walk. Your so silly!


I took these tonight while you ate dinner..spaghetti! You don't really know how to use utensils yet and if you do you forget about eating because your so distracted by the fork.


Every time you eat you put your hands in your hair. From syrup, eggs, strawberries or spaghetti, you have had it in your hair. I think you know your not supposed to do it either and I'm sure this will be a trend with you :)


August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy 29th Birthday Drew
You Are Loved

Having Drew for a husband is like having your best friend over for a slumber party every night.
I love that I live with my best friend , he always makes me smile and kisses me everyday.....
love his kisses ;)


You are an amazing husband, daddy, son, grandson, brother, uncle and friend.
I'll love you forever.

August 2, 2010


Every other year we get the pleasure of going to Mille Lacs to Drew's parents time share. This is only the second time we have been to Izatys. The first time we went Drew and I were expecting Ethan and I think I was roughly 2 months pregnant . Right in the midst of the worst"morning sickness" ( hyperemesis) EVER! This year it was nice to enjoy feeling good and enjoying my family.

This is a picture of the resort .
All the kiddos!
Gloria, Ethan, Lukey, Violet, Isaiah and Eloise.
Sweet Vito :)

GG and Grandma Jane.
Becky, GG and Jane.

The sky was so pretty that day with big fluffy clouds.
I gave these sunglasses to Becky at her baby shower(3+yrs ago) and its cool to see Eloise wearing them still.
3 generations!
4 generations!
Gloria and Violet are amazing big sisters so its only natural they are amazing big cousins too. They are so trustworthy with other little kids and Ethan adores them! Every time they would walk by he would giggle and smile at them.
I love you my sweet nieces.

Ethan's baptismal birthday was the next day so we thought we would get a picture with Ethan's God parents..Uncle Bill and Auntie Amy.
What a bunch of photogenic Nelson's :)