May 24, 2011

Because we love you

Even when you look at us like this ..


Ethan likes to play tug-of-war with Dewie and Dougie. The best part is that the rope is attached to the playground so no one looses! No hard feeling on either side:)


More of Ethan's favorite past time..jumping!



Love that squishy little face!



We have lilac trees in our backyard and I LOVE the smell. Its so fresh and reminds me why we wait out such a long winter here in Minnesota. Worth the wait.
Can you smell them?

May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Cameron

For Cameron's ( my little brother) 12th birthday we went out to dinner at Benihana. Cameron had never been there before so we thought it would be a fun experience for him. I didn't get to take any pictures of the meal being prepared but we really did go there and had a good time. Photobucket

Ethan loves his uncle:)
My little sister Grace

I'm pretty sure he has a rock in his mouth.
Happy Birthday to you....

May 7, 2011

The Monkey Doo at 26 months.

Here he is, the almost big brother Ethan "Monkey" Nelson!

I always thought the the phrase " terrible twos" was just that..a phrase. NOT! Ethan is such a handful right now. Don't get me wrong I LOVE him more than anything in this world but man is he giving us a run for our money. Every now and then when it gets really bad Drew and I look at each other with the mutual thought of "oh my gosh, I can't believe were having another baby/boy" :) Although a handful he is really a lot of fun. He is learning so much everyday and says new things all the time. My two favorite things he says right now is ..#1) Because I call Drew by his name ,Ethan thinks its OK to do the same. Example: Me( calling him from upstairs) "Drrreeewww" Ethan" Doo" Me " Daadddyyy" Ethan "Doo". Now no matter if I call him Daddy or Drew Ethan still calls him Doo. We were at Target the other day getting Ethan new shoes and I got a call from Drew and after that the whole time we were there Ethan was calling for Doo wondering where he was :) #2) Every time before we eat Ethan crosses his hands and prays with us. When the prayer is done he exclaims " A Mean" aka amen:)

Ethan is also very much in love with Buzz Lightyear (Booze as Ethan calls him) and Toy Story 2. We pretty much watch it everyday.

I have to admit Ethan is my little buddy and my whole heart right now. I'm getting pretty nervous about having another baby because I don't want him to feel that mommy is "leaving him" for someone else. It breaks my heart knowing that I will have to pay a bit more attention to this little guy on the way for awhile. I also wonder how I can love someone as much as Ethan. I mean I already love this little man inside of me so much but ...oh man these hormones are killin' me!

He looks so much like Drew especially when he smiles. Its the shape of his eyes I think.





Another example of" The Nelson eye smile". It reminds he a lot of Grandpa Bruce and Drew.

Love it :)


And when your 8 months pregnant and your kiddo poops his pants it's so much easier to bring the diapers and wipes outside and change his pants in the garage :P .It was warm and I used the coffee table to change him. Hey, I'm improvising.

Ethan likes to help with yard work so I took this picture the other day.I love his little nose in his profile!
And this one is because I felt left out :)

Holy Huge Belly Batman!