June 20, 2010

Daddy Day!

We didn't do much for Father's Day but spend time together. We did go out to lunch and to the Twins Pro Shop to buy Drew a Twins shirt. Also Drew wanted his guitar restrung and cleaned so he got that too. What more do you really need on Mother's or Father's Day than to be with the reason for the season... your child.


Holy Handsome Hubby Batman :P


I came up the stairs and saw them talking about the birdies outside. So very sweet.


Monkey and Daddy!

June 14, 2010

Scrubba Scub Scrub.

This was Ethan's 1st time brushing his (8) teeth! He seemed to like it and even got the hang of it . Drew and I grabbed our tooth brushes and showed Ethan how to brush. He copied us and it was pretty darn cute.


For some reason he loves to drink the bath water . Sometimes he drinks from the toys he has in the tub or he bends over to take a sip and comes up with a bath beard:) Silly boy!


Thomas The Train Toothpaste!
Totally off the subject, but that cartoon with the British voices creeps me out! 'I'm not sure if its the children singing in the beginning or Thomas's big black eyes. I do know that the creepiest of the characters is the Diesel train .
Ok, back to Ethan :)...


This one is kind of out of focus, but I couldn't resist this expression.


Here he is trying to brush himself. Such a big boy now (tear). Where did my mini Monkey go?

June 13, 2010

Me and You.

My aunt had sent me these pictures about 3 months ago. I happen to catch a glance at one of them and noticed something interesting. I noticed that Ethan does look a great deal like me when I was his age.
I matched up the pictures and I can't believe I found ones that look very similar to the ones from the 80's. I have to find some pictures of Drew soon to do the same thing :)

This one is my ABSOLUTE favorite.
I look like a wreck and Drew said I look like a carnival baby with my clown outfit on :(
Love her.

Love her too:)

June 7, 2010

15 Months Old!

Big Boy E. at 15 months old.
Dear Ethan,
Your 15 months old now and your becoming so vocal and you have started to associate things with their name. You pick up the ball and say "ball!", you look at Dougie and say puppy. You do the same thing when you see a baby or the kitties. You know how to sign "more" and know what it means. Sure it takes awhile to make you do it but hey at least you do it :)

You love to play in the pool and with the hose. Your a water baby and you don't even know it yet . I can't wait to bring you to the cabin this year so you can experience swimming in the river. Daddy and I LOVE to be at the cabin, it's our favorite place and we hope that passes along to you.

You have your molars coming in as well as 2 more teeth at the bottom. If you look close you can see the ones in the front popping through. They must hurt because you always have your hands in your mouth.
Look at those big blue eyes you have Ethan!Your so very handsome and all daddy and I wanna do is smooch on that sweet face. Your also very opinionated when it comes to getting your way. You like to grunt and make faces at us when you don't get what you want...gotta say its kinda trying sometimes:) Your worth it though.
Whenever we make the bed or fold clothes you like to jump on the pile of fabric. So dad decided to take all the pillows off the couch and put a big fuzzy blanket on the floor. You LOVE to jump on the pile and be tossed on it as well. Its lots of fun for you! You love to dance and love music...but what kid doesn't right :) There is a particular song that really strikes your fancy..its Mickey Mouse Playhouse song.. Hot Dog .Hot Dog.Hot Diggity Dog!!!! If you hear that song you'll come running from whatever part of the house your in to dance and clap to that song. So cute!
You could stay upside down all day if you could . Whenever we hold you you bend backward as far as possible until we give in and hold you upside down . You do this even on your own. You stand up and put your head on the floor and look through your legs upside down. What a goof you are sometimes.
What a sweet little, neat little guy!
You still don't like to be in the car seat for longer than 10 minutes. This has been an ongoing thing since you were born. I guess your just not the type that likes to be in one place too long. Don't worry Ethan I'm the same way . I always have to be busy and can't be in the same place too long.
I think the reason I take so many pictures of you is that because I only have a handful of pictures of me when I was little. I want you to be able to watch yourself grow up and know that mommy and daddy hold you #1 in their minds and heart. No matter who you become we will ALWAYS love you for you . But I think you 'll be a great man someday...a doctor even ? :)

What a ham!
I put this picture on here so you could see the sweet little way that you walk. You stick your tummy and butt out when you walk. Your belly looks extra full in this picture haha. You must of just ate lunch. Speaking of eating .... your such a good eater still. Although you don't like to mix ingredients. You like just one food at a time .You mostly only eat fruits and veggies and organic protein. You also wear only organic diapers...not by our choice but your allergic to the chlorine in the other ones. Your an expensive little boy:)
Mr. Curious.


Latley you have had some baby acne on your mouth. We think its from your teething. Thats ok it will go away soon.
Such a sweet face.
You also just started to sign"more" when you want something

You love to clap your hands and wave hi and bye to everyone. You dont have a shy bone in your body .

You like to crawl up the stairs. You also like to walk up the stairs with us holding your hands. You take giant steps ...each step is the next set of stairs..pretty funny.
We love love you Monkey!