January 22, 2012


Johnny is 7 months old and its hard to believe that in 5 short months he will be 1!

He is such a happy baby and a joy to be around, although he does have a little attitude sometimes when he doesn't get what he wants buy hey we all do right? :) Here are some of his stats

20lbs-60th percentile

23 inches long 95th percentile

15inch head-50th percentile

size 5 diapers

He wears anywhere from 9 months to 18 months clothing .

He has the best chubby checks and has one tooth going on two.

Johnny LOVES Ethan and anytime Ethan is being silly which is quite often Johnny lets out a contagious laugh. Ethan and Johnny laugh alike as well. Sometimes Ill have to ask " who was that?"

He is a great sleeper but sometimes will wake up and want a bottle and of course mommy :) He loves his "Johnny Jumper" and really gets going in that thing. He can sit up alone if he has a toy to hold on to to keep his concentration and he is starting the rocking back and fourth motion when he is on his knees. I'm sure it wont be too much longer until we have two that are mobile! I'm already so excited for his first birthday that I have started to plan it ..not that I want to rush his sweet baby years but I get so excited to celebrate my babies!

Johnny is also very ticklish especially on his chunky thighs:)

Well that's all I can think of for now. I love you Bananas!





Here is Johnny and Liam . My friend Jeni's little one is 2 months old.






Air time!

January 11, 2012

Johnny has a tooth!

This sweet little man has a toofer!

His bottom left tooth erupted last night. He's getting too big!

