May 31, 2012


Ethan, I thought that I would give you a little update on who you are at 3yrs old. You are the sweetest little man I know. Your so loving to your brother and always have a hug for me and your dad. You still call daddy by his first name and I'm pretty sure daddy has just accepted the fact now. Even though your a lover your also a determined little boy. I have no doubt that you'll grow up to be in politics maybe the next President ? I'm sure you'll join the debate team in high school and be amazing at it. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, my dad used to call me "mouth" in  high school :S . You have more energy than I honestly have ever seen one human being harness, keeps you in good shape though:) Speaking of shape you don't eat..let me repeat that ..You Don't Eat! I don't get it? 
You do however have an amazing arm, you throw like a rocket! Its pretty impressive actually. 
Some things that you say that I want to remember are
Peng -Boy-Penguin
Thaf Way- That way always tell us how to get somewhere in the car. A true backseat driver.
Pasta Blue- Popcicle
Everything is Blue to you ..Blankie Blue, Paci Blue ect...
You always want to hug people and things . The other day you saw a fly in the house and got mad when we got it out and asked for " my fly hug" "Wheres my fly hug go?" Your a good big brother and always hug and kiss Johnny . In the morning you'll lay in our bed while we sleep and watch Johnny's monitor . As soon as you see a wiggle from him you say " Johnny's up!" You know that means that its time to go play. You still LOVE trains and love to try and ride your bike. At night if your scared you ask for us to come in your room and when we get there you'll pat the pillow in your car bed to say " lay down" . You put your hands on my face and rub my cheeks. Just writing that brings tears to my eyes, your so sweet. Daddy painted the family room the other day and when you first saw it you said " Wow, its Beautiful " :) SO cute. There are so many things you do and say I wish I had an hour everyday just to write it down here .
We love you Monkey

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Johnny you are so beautiful and smart and amaze all of us every day. You took your first steps on May 19th 2012 not even 11 months old yet and walking! Some things that we love watching you do is rough house with your brother.. your a strong little dude, walk, give kisses and make the Muah noise , give high fives, use sign language, drink from your sippy cup, when we ask you what the puppy says you pant like a dog :) When we ask you to say "papa" you also pant like a dog . I'm pretty sure you think were saying puppy:)
You like to growl the words "apple juice" and scream really loud in excitement.

Look at your BEAUTIFUL face, baby boy.

This was the second time you have been to the cabin and you wern't scared of the water at all!! In fact you wanted to go all the way in the water and had no problem getting dirty in the sand. You also ate your fair share of it too:)


Love them.




You two truly love each other. Ethan is so sweet to you Johnny. He really takes his big brother role seriously;) .






Love you baby.

May 9, 2012


Oh Johnny! I know I say it all the time but I really cant believe that your 10 months old already. It was just yesterday you were growing big and strong in my belly.There are so many things that you can do and say now, for example you can say Mama, Dadda, Bye Bye, No, Owie, Ball, Nite Nite and you call daddy "dad do".Daddy really appreciates you not calling him Drew like some other sweet Monkey we know :)You can clap, wave, kiss ( open mouth of course)do "so big" and blow kisses. You can almost walk by yourself. You use your walker for now but you can stand up alone. You love to wrestle with Ethan as you can see in the pictures below... and I think you give Ethan a run for his money. I love that Ethan calls you "my Johnny" or "my Johnny hug". If you walk away from Ethan while he is interacting with you he will say " Where is my Johnny hug go? Its super cute and special, he loves you and gives you lots of kisses. You boys are BFF's.
I love the way you smell, I love that your a mama's boy, I love your curly hair. I love the gap in your front teeth, I love the mean mug smerk you give people and I espically love the way your hair stands straight up when I come into your room in the middle of the night to comfort you. I love you more than words my little Johnny June Bug:)
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I found this really neat idea on Pinterest and asked Drew if he would make one for our kids/house. I'm pretty lucky to have such a talented guy to call my husband. I like this idea because even if we move we can always keep this with us remembering how little/big our kiddos were Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Big Boy Bed

Ethan got a Cars theme bedroom for his birthday including a car bed! He sleeps so well in his new big boy bed. Its a twin size bed so he will have plenty of time in it..he looks so little in that big bed:)Johnny even likes to play in his room now. Let hope he doesnt want one too :/







