May 28, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Tummy Time

Dolly is always in the mix.

He is getting very strong!

May 25, 2009

I miss my baby :(

Today is my first day back to work, yes on Memorial Day :( I'm at work now..shhhh... blogging because it's so slow .I haven't even had one customer yet cause everyone thinks we're closed( all financial institutes should be closed) .Anyways I have only been away from my sweet little boy for 3 hours and my heart aches. I told Drew to call me every hour and give me updates. Drew is home with Ethan today and he is such a good daddy to him. I just wish I was there too. Being at work has it's good points too like making money and interacting with adults, but phooy to that, who needs it :) I have to remind myself from not talking baby talk to my customers too.. ohhhh, does Mr. customer want his silly wittle 20 dowwlar billy? lol! I'm sure that would sound quite condescending . Another thing that might be a little TMI is now I have to pump at work and there are camera's everywhere!!!!!!! I don't want to end up on the internet somewhere, so that's my dilemma now. I'll have to come up with something clever without looking like I'm trying to rob the bank :) ...
A message for my love..
Ethan, mommy loves and misses you so much . I will see you at 4:00 to give you a big wet kiss. Be good for daddy, but not too good :)

May 22, 2009

God is good!!!!!

Ethan's pediatrician called today to let us know that our baby was normal and healthy as can be! Thank you all for your prayers we know it helped. I'm so thankful for my healthy family. That was a stressful and sleepless few days. We are glad that it's over....Praise God!!!

May 21, 2009

2 months 3 weeks.

Ethan is almost 3 months old already and he is getting so big! He smiles a lot and giggles. He can lift his head off the ground and is very strong. You can see by the pictures of him in his Bumbo chair he can sit up with some help. His hair looks like is getting more red and his eyes are lighting up a bit. He is our special and handsome little boy : )
Prayers needed....
Ethan was born with a little "dimple" on the top of his butt and yesterday he had to have a MRI to make sure that everything is ok with his spine . Lots of babies have these, 1/20 actually and they usually are nothing and lots of parents don't even get them checked. Drew and I opted to have the doctors make 100% sure that everything was ok. We should know by Monday . It is hard to see my little baby have to do these types of things.

May 4, 2009

2 months old

Ethan is now 2 months and 2 days old. Our doctors check up isn't until the 13th so we don't know how much he exactly weighs, but we estimate it's about 10lbs ( thanks to grandpa luggage scale ) :) He's starting to fit into 3 month old clothes and we think he's about 23 inches long now. He had his first tear roll down his sweet little cheek the other day and I didn't know if I should smile or frown ( I smiled !!!) He also found his thumb this morning ! He seemed kind of taken back by it because he made a gagging face and gagging noise every time he put his thumb into his mouth. It was kind of funny because his thumb is no where near long enough to make him actually gag. He is also drooling a lot... I hear this means that he could be getting teeth. I got my first tooth at 3 months. Like mother, like son??? I hope not yet!
Here are some pictures of him at 2 months old.....
I truly even love his sad face

This was Drew's outfit when he was little .

I think he's channeling Elvis :)

I love his face in this shot!!!!

The teddy bear is still bigger than him.

Does this look familiar???

You gotta love self portraits!!!!