September 26, 2010

My boys


More of Monkey

I just added 5 new posts today to catch up on some stuff so scroll down to see more if you would like!
I had 2 more pictures that I wanted to share but I can't find them for some reason. I'll post them later if I find them. I just wanted to share a couple pictures of Ethan for "up to date" purposes :)


Drew lets Ethan play with the video game controller and he actually steers the guy around and looks very intrigued. It's really cute because he grunts at the screen and says "Goya, Goya" whatever that means? haha
I LOATHE video games unless it's Mario Cart cause its pointless and useless in my opinion . I don't want Ethan to be a video game player EVER...that would be my worst nightmare! Drew plays sometimes when Ethan goes to bed and while I edit pictures . That doesn't bother me as much because I'm not paying attention :)


More of the Dewster

Dewie is such a good puppy. Day and night from Dolly. Don't get me wrong we loved Dolly, but she just wasn't right for our family. Dewie on the other hand is a smart dog he know to go outside to potty and has only had a couple of accidents since we have had him, which is about 2 weeks now. Dougie has a bit of hop back in his step these days with his new brother by his side. They chase each other in the yard and snuggle together when taking a snooze. Ethan could care less about the puppy. He's too busy jumping around the house and trying to climb on all the furniture. I don't know how many time a day I say "no, no Ethan we don't stand on the couch/chairs"


When we take him out at night we have to bring the flashlight because he's so dark we'll lose him out there!



He kind of looks creepy here :)


The first day we brought him home he stole Ethan's paci. He continues to do so . This might be a perfect way to get rid of the paci habit?


Ethan's boo boo

What a horrific experience for a parent when their child gets hurt. Even though this was just a medium size burn it was all my fault and I felt so bad. My curling iron had been broken for like 6 months prior to this. When Danielle died her parents gave me a bunch of her stuff including her curling iron. I'm not used to having one on in the house so I plugged it in and turned it on to the highest setting and left the bathroom to feed Ethan breakfast. After breakfast I let Ethan down not thinking about the curling iron . All of a sudden I heard the most horrible scream. I ran to him and found the curling iron on the bathroom floor. I could smell how hot it was. He screamed for 2 hours until he got tired. We tried burn cream but putting that on a 1.5yr old isn't easy. I'm not sure if he grabbed the iron and dropped it on his arm but either way it wasn't fun and I'm sure it hurt him so bad. Sorry buddy, mommy feels so bad :(



Its clearing up nicely though. His hand is all better and his arm is still a bit red, but I have been putting Neosporin on it to take away any scaring



I cannot believe how much my life has changed this past month.
I miss my girl.

The Great Minnesota Get Together.

This was Ethan's first time at the State Fair if you don't count the time he was in my belly :) And the first time we went as a family.
It was so hot the day we went so we didn't stay very long. We ate some yummy fried food and showed Ethan around. I love experiencing new things with him.


Ethan's first time on the Big Slide!

Danielle, Kelly and I worked at this stand for many years. I want to say since we were 15 to about 21? Sounds about right. I had lots of fun memories walking by this stand so I took a quick picture. First year I didn't get to go to the fair with her in a long time :(
We weren't sure what Ethan thought about the horses, but they were all so beautiful and BIG!
Our big baby E eating a Hawaiian Shaved Ice with a spoon! He was all blue after that :)
Every time we ask Ethan " what does the piggy say?" he waits for us to "oink" at him and he cracks up. I'm so in love with my little man.

I'm going to be entering some of these photos to the MN State Fair for publication. If I get picked we get free tickets to the fair and some other stuff. Hey it's worth it! Just to walk into the fair its $11.00 for adults and that's not including parking which is around $20.00 if you don't park and ride. Its too hard to park and ride with a little one.

That swing out there is SO HIGH! I'm not a big fan of going on or letting Ethan go on rides that are set up and taken down every two week so I steer clear of the rides. Although this year my friend Crista and I went on one of the more "scary" was worth it!





I have never eaten something more amazing in my life! If you haven't tried the fried pickles or the fired green tomatoes I HIGHLY suggest it. Man, I want some right now!!!

September 17, 2010

Deputy Dewie = The New Nelson

Sweetest little Deputy ever!
So far he has been an excellent pup and is becoming one of us:)


His name got cut off? Blogger makes me upset sometimes!

September 12, 2010

Wudda Ham

Ethan always tries to put our shoes on himself and sometimes his shoes on us:) Although daddy gave him a bit of help this time.
What a sweetie.






September 10, 2010

Danielle My Love

Danielle T. Maranda
March 6th 1984-August 14th 2010
26 years young.
On August 15th I got the worst news of my best friend was killed in a car accident. She was dead, gone forever. Still now I cant wrap my head around the fact that I'll never be able to see, talk, hear or hug my best friend ever again.
Danielle was on her way home from doing what she did most nights ..being with friends. She was a half a block away from her house when for whatever reason hit a tree and passed away almost if not immediately . I keep reliving that moment in my head everyday..was she scared?, what was she thinking at that last second?, was she in pain?. All I can see is her hitting that tree..I know I shouldn't think of that kind of stuff but I just can't help it. I think.. what if I didn't work that Sunday, would I of been with her? I would of been able to see her one last time. I might of given her a ride home or she could of given me a ride. There are so many scenarios that keep running through my head.
Danielle and I have been friends since we were 12. Through middle school and high school, every summer in between. From crazy fun nights to sad times we were there together. Danielle was there to "approve " of Drew and called him Drewsifier ( like Lucifer) :).. her type of humor. She was there to congratulate me on my engagement, helped me with my wedding and was one of my bridesmaids. She helped throw wedding showers and baby showers for me. She went to OB/ultrasound appointments with me and was there the day my son was born. Recently she called me her best friend which was a huge step for her because she wasn't a lovey dovey type of girl, although she was very emotional which might seem conflicted but that was just her.
She was sarcastic, funny, loving and always there for me as I was for her. I could call her at anytime of the day or night and she ALWAYS answered her texts or picked up her phone. I'm going to miss that so much. We talked or texted at least 25 times a day least! I'm still waiting for her to call me back :( There are too many things to say about my best friend that I can't write it all down.How can you write down 15yrs of friendship on one page? I prefer to talk to her and God about them. I have never felt such loss and utter pain in my entire life. I know that God had his reasons for taking her but I selfishly want her back so bad.
No one could, can or will ever take your place in my heart. I love you more than you know or I can understand. Ethan was supposed to know you and you were supposed to know his future siblings, you were Auntie Dani! You were supposed to get old and ugly with me . We were supposed to be together forever, but forever has come and gone and I'm left with so many beautiful memories of you .You were and amazing friend, daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin and "auntie".
Please stay close to us because now we all know we have you as our angel in heaven.
R.I.P, D.

Im going to miss that big smile and laugh. I can still hear it .

I LOVE this family. Bill (dad) Andy (brother) Andrea ( sister in law) Tracy ( mom) and of course Danielle.
This picture of her is being carved on her monument. Its so crazy that a month ago I took this picture of her. I vividly remember taking it and now its going to mark the spot where she sleeps forever. So strange to me still. I just don't get it.

Ethan's due date was 3/6 which was Danielle's birthday. Fortunately for me he was born on the 7th or else I wouldn't of heard the end of it from her. Of course she was mostly kidding and would of thought it was great that they had the same birthday. She even texted me while I was labor to tell me to keep him in for one more day lol.
After this picture was taken she looked at Ethan with loving eyes and said
" Gosh your hideous!!" That was Danielle's way of saying I love you Ethan. She loved Ethan so much. She would carry around the St. Patty's picture that I gave her and show everyone and told them .." look at my kid , hes so freakin cute!!". People that I never met would tell me how cute Ethan was. Just another reason I loved my Dani :)
Classic Danielle pose. Always resting her head on your shoulder.
Bill and Danielle..daddy and daughter.
She LOVED this picture !
After looking at it now it looks like it was sent from heaven.
This was actually taken in 2003 .
Danielle's mom just told me that Danielle used her mom's credit card to purchase her and Kelly's costume and still has yet to pay her back hahahaha.. sounds like Dani. I found this costume while helping clean her room, along with the dress she wore at my wedding. Not a very fun day :(
She loved her truck and was so proud of it .

She was so beautiful.
I did her makeup that day . She said " your the only one I trust so, don't mess me up" Although she didn't say mess lol.
I took so many pictures of Danielle the day of Andrea and Andy's wedding I was actually feeling guilty. It was like my camera had a mind of its own and was drawn to her. I now know why .


She was always so much fun and no matter what, I could go to her and just be with her anywhere, anytime of day. Thats one thing I've been having trouble with the most.
I have called her call phone about 50 times since she died just to hear her voice.


This was at my bridal shower at the cabin.



I loved this expression , we all saw it often :)
this one too.




One of her favorite sayings was "it changed my life" mostly when talking about something amazing that she ate.ha! We'll , she" changed my life" forever. I'll never take my loved ones for granted and I'll always remember what an AMAZING friend I had.
Each day gets easier because each day gets us closer to when we will meet again.
I love you Danielle.